Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gwyneth Paltrows husband Chris Martin tells wife 'Don't lose anymore weight'

Looking skinnier than ever, Gwyneth Paltrow has been told by husband Chris Martin not to lose any more weight because he prefers his women with curves.

Gwyneth, 36, has shrunk from a size 10 to a size 6 in under a year. Now Coldplay star Chris has told her to ease up before she drops another dress size.

‘Gwyneth works out six days a week with Tracy Anderson – the same trainer Madonna uses,’ a source tells Now. ‘Like Madonna, she’s been progressively increasing her exercise sessions and working her butt off.’

The star’s said to have upped her daily sessions from an hour and a half to an exhausting three hours.

‘At first, Chris told her she looked good. In the beginning, she was just becoming more toned,’ says our source. ‘But he now thinks she risks losing all her curves. She’s even tried to get him to work out with her, which he flat out refuses to do.'

Gwyneth’s set to open a set of gyms with Tracy and hopes to release her own fitness DVD.

‘She feels she can’t be associated with a gym, have a fitness DVD out and not be super-fit,’ adds the source. ‘It’s a lot of pressure, but Gwyneth’s someone who can be very driven and determined. It’s hoped she’ll rein it in a bit before she hits that dreaded size 0.’

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