Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Courtney Love to move to UK

Courtney Love is moving to the UK.

The former Hole singer is growing tired of life in Los Angeles and is planning to buy a house in Britain for her and daughter Frances Bean, 16.

Courtney - the widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain - said: "Buckinghamshire is where I want to go. I read Country Life magazine every week. I'm fed up with Los Angeles. It's full of crazy people.

"People criticise Britain but it's still a cleaner, safer place to live than Hollywood."

However, Courtney - who is also looking at properties in London's Primrose Hill district, close to the home of close friends Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow - will only make the move if her arch-rival Madonna remains in her native America, where she has been since splitting from director Guy Ritchie.

She added to Britain's Daily Star newspaper: "Madonna had better stay the hell away from London when I move here to live. There's no room for us both."

Although Courtney and Gwyneth are now close friends, the 'Iron Man' actress admits she was left "devastated" by their first meeting 10 years ago.

Gwyneth said: "We were in an elevator and she was really horrible to me. And I was the biggest Hole fan of all time. I was devastated."When she got sober, she contacted me and was like, 'I feel like I missed an opportunity with you'. Then we just started texting and talking and now when she's here in London she comes round. When we're in Los Angeles we have dinner."



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