Saturday, January 24, 2009

Amy Winehouse's record label is fed up with the singer's boozing and bizarre behavior

AMY WINEHOUSE’s record label yesterday flew a bigwig to her holiday resort for a heated showdown.

Universal’s commercial director Brian Rose was dispatched to St Lucia to “drive some common sense” into the singer.

The company is said to have become fed up with Amy’s boozing and bizarre behaviour.

The 25-year-old has been snapped crawling under tables begging for alcohol from other guests after staff at the swish Caribbean resort refused to serve her.

Guests also said the Rehab star has been blowing as much as £8,000 on food and drink for people she barely knows.

A label insider said: “Brian has been told to drive some common sense into Amy and find out what the hell is going on.

“There don’t seem to be any solid plans for new music.

“But Universal is a business and it needs to know what is happening with one of its biggest talents.”

Universal last night confirmed Mr Rose had flown to St Lucia but insisted the meeting was to discuss future projects.

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