Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rihanna and Chris Brown Record A Duet!

Have Rihanna and Chris Brown just completely forgotten they’re supposed to be embroiled in a bitter court case over whether of not said Brown beat up the lovely singer?

Well, I’ll answer that for you shall I? Yes they blinking well have as they decide to release a duet together to prove they are very much still ‘in love’ - crikey, watch out Sonny and Cher!

According to sources in the US, the reconciled couple are heading into the studio to record a duet for Brown’s new album - well I suppose that might be the only way Brown ever shifts his records from now on…

The couple’s show of unity comes just weeks after Brown allegedly assaulted Rihanna in a Lamborghini he’d rented, leaving her bloody and bruised. In the weeks that have passed, he’s since been charged with assault and making criminal threats and faces over four years in jail if found guilty.

However, despite what the police, press and, well everybody is saying, the pair seem to be completely oblivious to their impending trial and decided to try and cash in on the headlines as much as they can, by recording a bloody record!

Meanwhile, Brown reportedly refused to leave LA after his hearing last week to spend the weekend with Rihanna - and the couple remain “very much in love”, according to pals.



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